Writing Seminars

Our writing seminars give you the tools you need to better understand the process of writing and publishing documents for scientific and medical literature. All of our seminars can be offered individually or combined to meet your needs.

Gwosdow Associates offers:

Reading the Medical/Scientific Literature
How do you read a manuscript? Is it the same way it appears in print? This seminar explores the importance of knowing how a paper is read when it is written.

Assessing the Medical/Scientific Literature
How do you know if a manuscript provides sound scientific evidence? This workshop teaches you how to critically evaluate scientific papers.

Anatomy of a Manuscript
Examine the sections of the scientific paper including valuable approaches for organizing and writing more effective papers.

Anatomy of a Case Report
Understand the parts of the case report and learn tips for organizing and writing the case report.

The Value of Outlines
Learn the value and usefulness of outlining and its role in writing documents.  Participants will learn simple outlining techniques.

Answering Reviewers’ Comments
What do you do when your paper comes back from review with lots of questions? This seminar provides a framework for understanding, evaluating and answering reviewers’ comments.

Science Seminars
We offer in-depth seminars on a variety of science topics for all audiences.

Medical Writing as a Career
Whether you are transitioning from the lab or clinic or already in the field, this seminar will provide the basics of being a medical writer. You will learn suggestions for building clips, making contacts, and landing jobs.  Listen to my career talk at Experimental Biology.

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