
Our workshops help you improve your skills to write the documents you need. Our hands-on approach helps you turn those piles of papers into published articles.

Gwosdow Associates offers:


Writing Workshops


Learn the basics of writing structured abstracts.  The process taught will help participants write clear and concise abstracts.

Journal Articles
Valuable tips for writing scientific papers. Combine this workshop with other workshops for a more complete development of manuscript writing skills.

Confused how to begin your article? This hands-on workshop provides practical tips and practice writing the introduction to a journal article.

Materials and Methods
Understand the basics of describing your study. Learn useful tips and practice writing the materials and methods section of a journal article.

Develop skills to clearly present the results. Practice making, analyzing and interpreting tables and figures and writing results.

Analyze the discussion section. Practice valuable techniques for writing concise and clear discussion sections.

Case Reports
Insightful tips and writing practice for case reports are provided in this hands-on workshop.

Writing Manuscript Introductions and Discussions

Gain valuable tips for writing the two sections of scientific manuscripts most people find the hardest to write. This workshop will analyze the introduction and discussion sections and provide a framework for writing these sections concisely and clearly. This workshop can be combined with other workshops for a more complete development of manuscript writing skills.

Additional Workshops



Writing Science for the Public
Have you tried to explain your scientific research to a friend who is unfamiliar with scientific terms, or a 
relative or your child’s teacher? Explaining complex scientific principles can be difficult. Writing about scientific topics for your local newspaper, parent teacher organization or the lay public can be equally challenging. This workshop will provide recommendations and guidelines to use when writing for the general public. The principles presented will be used in writing practice.

Addressing Reviewers Comments
What do you do when your paper comes back from review with lots of questions? This seminar provides a framework for understanding, evaluating, and answering reviewers comments. This session can be done individually with “real” reviewers comments or as a group.

Preparing Posters
A poster presents your work. Learn how to prepare a complete easy-to-read poster that accurately presents your work.

Fine Tuning Your Presentation
Learn how to present yourself accurately, but honestly. Participants will practice developing and delivering their message in this workshop.

Ethics in Medical Writing
Common ethical issues in medical writing are authorship, plagiarism, conflict of interest, and falsification or manipulation of data. This workshop explores these ethical issues and provides a framework to deal with them.

Click here to view an example of an ethics webinar.

Job Transition
Thinking about a career transition? This participatory workshop will help scientists and clinicians learn how to transfer their skills to a career as a medical writer. The nuts and bolts of career transition will be discussed including how to develop your message, your network, your writing samples, and get ready for your job.

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